If you have contacts at international companies or with independent businessmen around the world interested in coming to Israel for business and pleasure, it would be our pleasure to provide you with the perfect hosting packages and business scheduling services. In addition, we are able to provide you with contact information for the relevant entities in the various branches of the business and government sectors in Israel.
For more information, please call us at: +972-77-4315850
At GOLD the comprehensive solutions that we offer both in the realms of tourism and business allow us to encourage companies and delegations from abroad to come to Israel using our services.
Today, a significant portion of our activities include providing comprehensive solutions for the business delegations from abroad interested in coming to Israel independently to handle their business interests.
The solid relationships we maintain with all of our clients and with various government agencies allow us to initiate independent visits by foreign business delegations from around the world that are interested in various fields and sectors in the Israeli business market.